How It Works
Members can make a nomination of a 501c3 non-profits serving the Wood River Valley and Blaine County. To make a nomination, a member must have been participating financially for the past year or more. Organizations may receive only one gift from 100 MWC per year. (For example, if the organization receives our gift at our April meeting, they would be eligible again by July of the following year)
Nominations must be made on the provided Nomination Form, PLUS a brief summary of the organization in WORD format. This will be used to introduce the organization to our members who are unable to attend our meetings in person. It is the responsibility of the person making the nomination to do a proper and thorough due diligence of the organization.
Nominations will be submitted to Marty Lyon, via email by the date requested,
All nominations will be placed in a basket and 3 will be selected randomly prior to our quarterly meeting. ALL THREE SELECTED ARE RECIPIENTS FOR OUR CASH GIFTS. The member who made the nomination will be notified, allowing a representative of all 3 organizatoins to attend our meeting and make their pitch for support.
The presentation and following Q&A will be limited to 8-10 minutes. In-as-much it will not be known which will be selected, the member making the nomination can make the pitch, or invite a representative to the meeting to make the pitch.
Members of 100 MWC will vote for their preference with the check(s) they write.
Nominations not selected will be put into the basket for our next meeting, added to new nominations which may have been made.
After the meeting an email will be sent out to all our members. It will include the names of the 3 organizations selected and the summary provided on the WORD document. It is from this information that other members will participate.
Blaine County Nonprofit Directory
Check out this list of local nonprofit organizations put together by the SPUR Foundation.